2025 International Workshop on the Mechanics of Innovative Materials and Structures Video showing an overview of the landscape enjoyable from the location of the MIMS Workshop. |
2024 International Workshop Mathematics and Mechanics of Innovative Materials and Structures |
2022 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures
Seminar "On the compact wave dynamics of tensegrity metamaterials" |
Webinar - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND PATENTS OF RESEARCH INVENTIONS Seminario-webinar del 17 Luglio 2020 alle ore 09.30 tenuto dai consulenti brevettuali Andrea e Claudia Scilletta della Ip Sextant srl (, sul tema INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND PATENTS OF RESEARCH INVENTIONS. |
Webinar - 40 YEARS OF SEISMIC ISOLATION AND ENERGY DISSIPATION IN ITALY Seminario-webinar del 03 Luglio 2020 alle ore 10.15 tenuto da M.G. Castellano, Direttore del Dipartimento Ricerca e Sviluppo della FIP MEC (, sul tema 40 YEARS OF SEISMIC ISOLATION AND ENERGY DISSIPATION IN ITALY. |
Digital technologies in support of post-Covid recovery of the Paestum Archaeological Park and surrounding area Ho il piacere di informarvi della partecipazione mia e del professore Salvatore Barba al seguente progetto finanziato dall'Ambasciata USA di Roma: @Paestum. Digital technologies in support of post-Covid recovery of the Paestum Archaeological Park and surrounding area. |
Webinar on Truss Structures, Unisa - Georgia Tech 20 Aprile 2020, ore 16.00 – April 20, 200, 4.00 pm (CET) |
Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Avellino - Corso di aggiornamento sul consolidamento sismico delle strutture |
“2019 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures ” (MIMS19), February 28th - March 2nd, 2019 |
March 13, 209 - Announcement of the PRIN 2017 - PE8 GRANT (Research Projects of National Relevance, South Line) |
"Major Contributions to Tensegrity Systems Research" Award from the Texas A&M Laboratory on Tensegrity Systems |
Short Course on Seismic Isolation - Corso Breve "Introduzione alla tecnologia dell'isolamento sismico" |
2016 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures (MIMS16) (link) |
Seminar "3D Printing for Micro and Nanofabrication", by Sofia Rodriguez, Nanoscribe GmbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany) |
Presentation at COMPDYN 2015, "On the Use of Cellular Materials for the Design of Innovative Seismic Isolation Devices" |
Seminario "Proprietà intellettuale: la protezione dei risultati della ricerca", Università degli Studi di Salerno |
Seminar at the University of Augsburg (Germany) "Wave Dynamics of Innovative Nonlinear Lattices" |
Seminar at KU Leuven (Belgium) "Multiscale Variational Modeling and Characterization of Materials and Structure" |
Fulbright Meeting, University of Salerno, Nov. 27, 2014 "Sessione Informativa Fulbright |
Seminar "New developments in seismic isolation of buildings and structures |
IUTAM Symposium dedicated to Professor Michael Ortiz - “Innovative numerical approaches for materials and structures in multi-scale problems” |
2015 Hetenyi Award to the paper “Directional Wave Propagation in a Highly Nonlinear Square Packing of Spheres”, A. Leonard, F. Fraternali, C. Daraio, Experimental Mechanics, 53(3), 327-337, 2013. |
Mechanics Research Communications - Special Issue: "Multiscale modeling, simulation and testing of materials and structures" (Vol. 58, June 2014) |
Seminar at the University of Melbourne (Australia) "MULTISCALE APPROACHES TO COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS" |
"Italy-USA Scientific and Technologic Cooperation |
"Nuove Tecnologie per il Ripristino e la Protezione del C.A.
Flyer Presentations Presentazione Caparol Presentations Presentazione Fraternali Presentations Presentazione Sessa |
Course “Analysis and Design of Tensegrity Structures” |
"Strutture e Network di Fibre Ottiche di tipo Innovativo |
"Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as components in bulk materials
Programma Corso CNT 2011 Presentations raney public slides Presentations fraternali presentation |
"Propagazione di Fratture in Modo Misto secondo il Principio di Locale Simmetria |
"Analysis and design of innovative network structures
tensegrity 2011 Presentations fraternali & senatore Presentations skelton salerno 1 Presentations skelton salerno 2 Presentations skelton course Presentations rosato lecture 1 - introduction Presentations rosato lecture 2 - DEM Presentations reosato lecture 3 - applications Presentations Souad Mbarek Salerno 2011 |
"Ponteggiando |
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Room 231, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno - 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy | |
Phone: (+39) 089 96-4083 | |
Fax: (+39) 089 96-4045 | |
E-mail: | |
Website: | |
Background drawings by Domenico Fraternali: view the wallpapers gallery |